Cheers To Cherry! 3 Natural Solutions To Clean And Enhance Your Cherry Cabinets

Due to the room's function, value, and appeal, the kitchen is an imperative part of your home. Considering your kitchen cabinets encompass a large portion of the space, investing in quality wood is key to improving the room's design and value. Fortunately, investing in cherry cabinets is smart since they are a favorite trend in kitchen remodeling that will never go out of style. Cherry wood is not only attractive, but it is also a durable option for your kitchen. Read More 

Dealing With Rotted Soffits And Fascia

Soffits and fascia are designed for both form and function. Not only do they give your roofline a more streamlined appearance, but they also create a barrier of sorts between the underlying roof structure and the elements. Unfortunately, the soffit and fascia are usually the first components of your roof to succumb to rot. Things That Can Turn Your Soffits and Fascia Rotten A dry home relies on its roof to properly channel water away from vulnerable areas. Read More 

Look Before You Flush: Don’t Let These Items Go Down The Drain

The importance of maintaining a healthy septic system can't be stated enough. Unfortunately, countless homeowners jeopardize their septic system's health by flushing items that shouldn't find their way into a septic tank. Flushing these items can seem temptingly convenient, but you could end up learning a very expensive lesson on why you shouldn't. Gloves, Condoms and Other Latex Products Latex is a non-biodegradable material, which means it won't break down on its own. Read More 

How To Locate And Repair Leaks In Your Air Conditioning Ductwork

Most homes lose over one-fourth of their cooling capacity to leaks within air conditioning ductwork, This needless waste of resources is costly and keeps your home from being as comfortable as it should be. Fortunately, an average homeowner can locate and repair most leaks within air conditioning ductwork. Below is what you will need to find and fix the leaks as well as information on how to go about it: Read More 

Crawl Spaces And Humidity: Rectifying A Bad Situation

Having too much moisture in your crawl space in a common occurrence that isn't harmless. Humidity in crawl spaces is detrimental, and there are a number of things that could be causing the humidity, as well as things you can do to reduce humidity in your crawl space. Why is Humidity Bad For My Crawl Space? Moisture in your home is typically a bad thing all around. Basements and crawl spaces that are often humid or moist can support the growth of mold. Read More