How To Locate And Repair Leaks In Your Air Conditioning Ductwork

Most homes lose over one-fourth of their cooling capacity to leaks within air conditioning ductwork, This needless waste of resources is costly and keeps your home from being as comfortable as it should be. Fortunately, an average homeowner can locate and repair most leaks within air conditioning ductwork. Below is what you will need to find and fix the leaks as well as information on how to go about it: Read More 

Crawl Spaces And Humidity: Rectifying A Bad Situation

Having too much moisture in your crawl space in a common occurrence that isn't harmless. Humidity in crawl spaces is detrimental, and there are a number of things that could be causing the humidity, as well as things you can do to reduce humidity in your crawl space. Why is Humidity Bad For My Crawl Space? Moisture in your home is typically a bad thing all around. Basements and crawl spaces that are often humid or moist can support the growth of mold. Read More 

Unexplained Headaches And Stomach Problems: How Safe Is Your Potable Water?

If you suffer from unexplained headaches, stomach problems and other symptoms, you may want to examine the quality of your potable water — even if it looks clean and safe. Sometimes, unsafe drinking water looks clear to the visible eye. However, your home's water could contain colorless contaminants, such as nitrates, that make you feel sick. The contaminants enter your water supply from the outside of your home and can build up in your plumbing over time. Read More 

5 Tips For Using Pervious Concrete Successfully In Your Home Landscape

Traditional concrete is treated to prevent water from soaking into it and through the material. This leads to erosion and soil loss when water drains off a patio, driveway, or other concrete structure in your yard. Installing pervious concrete lets the moisture flow through and soak into the soil below, and these five tips will help you get the most out of a slab made with this type of material. Read More 

3 Reasons To Ditch Your Drapes For Window Film

When it comes to covering up your windows, curtains, drapes, and blinds can all do the trick. But have you ever stopped to consider why you would want to cover up your windows in the first place? Sure, you need privacy in your home, and you may want to make sure the glare from the sun doesn't disrupt your sleep or obstruct your television or computer screen – but what if you could have the privacy and block the sun and the heat without sacrificing your view of the outside world? Read More